@article{1705.04400v1, Author = {Eric Battenberg and Rewon Child and Adam Coates and Christopher Fougner and Yashesh Gaur and Jiaji Huang and Heewoo Jun and Ajay Kannan and Markus Kliegl and Atul Kumar and Hairong Liu and Vinay Rao and Sanjeev Satheesh and David Seetapun and Anuroop Sriram and Zhenyao Zhu}, Title = {Reducing Bias in Production Speech Models}, Eprint = {1705.04400v1}, ArchivePrefix = {arXiv}, PrimaryClass = {cs.CL}, Year = {2017}, Month = {May}, Url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1705.04400v1}, File = {1705.04400v1.pdf} }